[EDITED VOLUMEEhsani S, Glauner P, Plugmann P, Thieringer FM (eds) (2022). "The Future Circle of Healthcare: AI, 3D Printing, Longevity, Ethics, and Uncertainty Mitigation". Springer.

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[FOREWORD]  Ehsani S (2022). " Foreword ". In: Schönbohm A, von Horsten HH, Plugmann P (eds), Life Science Management: Perspectives, Concepts and Strategies. Springer, v–vii.
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[CHAPTEREhsani S (2020). "Analytic Philosophy for Biomedical Research: The Imperative of Applying Yesterday’s Timeless Messages to Today’s Impasses". In: Glauner P,  Plugmann P (eds), Innovative Technologies for Market Leadership: Investing in the Future. Springer, 167–200.
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